New Anthem ID Cards

New ID cards are coming your way! Currently your Anthem ID card includes medical, dental, and vision information on the same ID card. Anthem is no longer allowing combined ID cards and will be issuing separate medical and dental ID cards in the next few weeks. Anthem confirmed your member ID and group numbers are…

Tax Forms

W-2 Forms: If you received Loss Of Time benefits in calendar year 2024 for a short term disability, you will receive a W-2 form for the amount of benefits paid to you by the Health Fund in 2024. Loss of Time benefits are taxable income for the IRS.

Form 1095-B: No forms are being mailed for 2024. While the Health Fund is required to report information to the IRS of the months that each of the participants and their dependents had health coverage in calendar year 2024, as an individual you are not required to report that information on your tax filing. If you need the form, please contact the Health Fund office. Retirees on the Anthem Advantage Plan will need to contact Medicare if you want a 1095-B form.